Sumberpandan_Tulungagung. Kajur Manajemen Dakwah UIN Satu Tulungagung (Dr. Ahmad Nurcholis, M.Pd) diberikan kehormatan oleh organisasi alumni Pesantren yang bernama IKAPPMAM (Ikatan Alumni Pondok Pesantren Mamba'ul Ma'arif) Tulungagung untuk menjadi Narasumber dalam acara Makrab Mahasiswa Baru Angkatan 2020-2021. Acara spektakuler tersebut bertempat di Kedung minten Sumberpandan Tulungagung yang dihadiri oleh tokoh masyarakat, para Kyai, dosen, mahasiawa UIN Satu Tulungagung. Adapun tema yang diangkat dalam acara tersebut adalah “TINTA PERMAISURI” yang berartiTingkatkan Tali Persaudaraan Mahasiswa Alumni MAMBAUL MA’ARIF.
Two lecturers and one student from UIN Satu Tulungagung had the opportunity to present their scientific work in the Ulumuna Journal indexed by Sinta 2. They were Dr. Ahmad Nurcholis and Dr. Moh. Arif and Wiwik Sunarsih. Dr. Ois represents the presentation that will be held online on Saturday, October 2, 2021..
He says that the less than optimal of Islamic dakwah in the heterogeneous community caused by some dai who only focus on the lecturing method and communities’ religious fanaticism. Dakwah activity as an obligation for Muslims must penetrate all religious communities. The purpose of this article is to describe, analyze, and interpret the social dakwah carried out by Sayid Ahmad that could create religious harmony and tolerance in Tulungagung.
This is qualitative research with phenomenological analysis. Researchers stand on the grand theory of structural functionalism proposed by Talcott Parsons (2015) that the structure of society and the interrelationships of various structures are seen to be mutually supportive of dynamic equilibrium. This theory focused on how good order is maintained between various elements of society.